Trying Glassmorphism in Figma- A Beginner’s Guide

Trying Glassmorphism in Figma- A Beginner’s Guide

Clock Icon2023.06.14



This is Pooja from the Alliance Department, this blog tries to encapsulate a glassmorphism technique that designers use.

Figma, a Brief Description.

Figma is a cloud-based design and prototyping tool favored by designers for its real-time collaboration and powerful features. It enables the creation of UIs, UX designs, and interactive prototypes, allowing multiple team members to work simultaneously. Key features include cloud- based operation, real-time collaboration, design and prototyping tools, responsive design support, streamlined developer handoff, design system management, and a wide range of plugins and integrations. Figma's popularity stems from its collaborative capabilities, user-friendly interface, and compatibility across platforms, making it a go-to tool for design teams, product managers, and developers seeking efficient and high-quality design processes.

Figma Pricing Guide – How to Save Money on Figma?

What's Glass morphism.

Glassmorphism is a UI/UX design trend that seeks to achieve a sleek and transparent glass-like visual aesthetic. real-world aesthetics into digital interfaces, glassmorphism adds elegance and sophistication to applications, websites, and graphical user interfaces (GUIs). The transparent elements, layered with vibrant backgrounds, create a sense of depth and contrast while maintaining a balance between visual appeal and Overall, glassmorphism aims to elevate the overall design and provide users with an immersive and visually pleasing interface.


To create a modern Glassmorphism card in Figma, you can follow these steps:
1. Create a new frame: Start by creating a new frame in Figma where you'll design your Glassmorphism card. Determine the size of the frame based on the desired dimensions for your card.
2. Set the background: Select the frame and set the background color to a gradient or a translucent color to achieve the Glassmorphism effect. a solid color.
3. Add content: Design the content of your card within the frame.This can include text, images, icons, or any other elements you want to include.Place the content on top of the background and arrange it as desired.
4. Apply glass effect: To enhance the Glassmorphism effect, you can apply a blur effect to the background. Select the frame and go to the Effects panel in the right sidebar. Add a Gaussian Blur effect and adjust the blur radius to your preference. This will give the card a frosted glass appearance.
5. Add depth and highlights: To create depth and highlights, you can use shadows and gradients. Additionally, you can use gradients to add highlights and shadows to specific areas of the card to make it look more three-dimensional.
6. Refine and fine-tune: Pay attention to the details and make any necessary adjustments to achieve the desired Glassmorphism effect. Experiment with different colors, opacities, shadows, and gradients until you are satisfied with the visual outcome.
7. Test and preview: Preview your Glassmorphism card design in different contexts, such as various device sizes or backgrounds, to ensure it retains its modern and glassy appearance in different scenarios.
By following these steps and applying creativity, you can create a modern Glassmorphism card in Figma. Remember to keep the design clean and balanced while emphasizing the transparent and glasslike visual elements to achieve the desired effect.


In summary, Glass Morphism is a popular design trend that has gained significant traction in the digital world. It offers a sleek and modern aesthetic that captivates users and creates visually stunning interfaces. Figma, with its powerful design tools and user-friendly interface, enables designers to effortlessly embrace and experiment with Glass Morphism.

Whether you choose to fully adopt Glass Morphism or draw inspiration from its aesthetic, Figma offers a powerful platform for bringing your design ideas to life. So don't hesitate—dive into Figma, experiment with Glass Morphism, and let your designs shine with transparency , depth, and elegance.

Thank You for your time, hope this blog was helpful.

Happy Learning!!!


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