Set A Greeting Message in LINE Application

Set A Greeting Message in LINE Application

Clock Icon2022.08.23



LINE Official Account Manager allows developers to set the Greeting message easily through the console. A greeting message is delivered automatically when LINE users add or unblock the Official Account.


  1. Login into the LINE Official Account Manager.

  2. Under Accounts, Choose the appropriate account for which you choose to set the Greeting message.

  3. Make sure you are on the right account before proceeding. Next, under Home, on the left menu please scroll down to the Greeting message option.

  4. Here set up the greeting message for line users with all sorts of media (text, emojis, audio, video files, etc.,). We can also include the Account name and user's display name if required. Please don't forget to click on Save button to commit your changes.

  5. After Entering the required message, one can also see the preview on the preview chat screen.

  6. Enable the Greeting message feature in your account Settings which is at the top right corner of the page. Navigate to the Response settings Option in the left side menu. Enable Greeting message.

It's as simple as that, now we have the greeting message set for LINE users.

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