[アップデート] Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAPでFlexGroupのバックアップができるようになりました #AWSreInvent

[アップデート] Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAPでFlexGroupのバックアップができるようになりました #AWSreInvent

Clock Icon2023.11.28



皆さんはAmazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP(以降FSxN)のFlexGroupをバックアップしたいなと思ったことはありますか? 私はあります。



今回のアップデートにより、FlexGroupのボリュームもFSxのバックアップ機能でバックアップできるようになりました。また、AWSマネジメントコンソールやAWS CLIなどからでもFlexGroupを作成できるようになりました。

AWS Blogsにも投稿されています。











ONTAP CLIからも作成したFlexGroupを確認します。

::> volume show -volume fg_vol
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
svm       fg_vol       -            online     RW        500TB    852.0GB    0%

::> volume show -volume fg_vol -instance

                                      Vserver Name: svm
                                       Volume Name: fg_vol
                                    Aggregate Name: -
     List of Aggregates for FlexGroup Constituents: aggr1
                                   Encryption Type: none
                  List of Nodes Hosting the Volume: FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01
                                       Volume Size: 500TB
                                Volume Data Set ID: -
                         Volume Master Data Set ID: 2163879581
                                      Volume State: online
                                      Volume Style: flex
                             Extended Volume Style: flexgroup
                           FlexCache Endpoint Type: none
                            Is Cluster-Mode Volume: true
                             Is Constituent Volume: false
                     Number of Constituent Volumes: 8
                                     Export Policy: default
                                           User ID: 0
                                          Group ID: 0
                                    Security Style: unix
                                  UNIX Permissions: ---rwxr-xr-x
                                     Junction Path: /fg_vol
                              Junction Path Source: RW_volume
                                   Junction Active: true
                            Junction Parent Volume: svm_root
                                    Available Size: 852.0GB
                                   Filesystem Size: 500TB
                           Total User-Visible Size: 475TB
                                         Used Size: 4.00GB
                                   Used Percentage: 0%
              Volume Nearly Full Threshold Percent: 90%
                     Volume Full Threshold Percent: 98%
                                  Maximum Autosize: 600TB
                                  Minimum Autosize: 500TB
                Autosize Grow Threshold Percentage: 98%
              Autosize Shrink Threshold Percentage: 50%
                                     Autosize Mode: off
               Total Files (for user-visible data): 15938355160
                Files Used (for user-visible data): 775
                         Space Guarantee in Effect: true
                               Space SLO in Effect: true
                                         Space SLO: none
                             Space Guarantee Style: none
                                Fractional Reserve: 0%
                                       Volume Type: RW
                 Snapshot Directory Access Enabled: true
                Space Reserved for Snapshot Copies: 5%
                             Snapshot Reserve Used: 0%
                                   Snapshot Policy: default
                                     Creation Time: Mon Nov 27 17:37:46 2023
                                          Language: C.UTF-8
                                      Clone Volume: false
                                         Node name: -
                         Clone Parent Vserver Name: -
                           FlexClone Parent Volume: -
                                     NVFAIL Option: off
                             Volume's NVFAIL State: false
           Force NVFAIL on MetroCluster Switchover: off
                         Is File System Size Fixed: false
                        (DEPRECATED)-Extent Option: off
                     Reserved Space for Overwrites: 2GB
                 Primary Space Management Strategy: volume_grow
                          Read Reallocation Option: off
       Naming Scheme for Automatic Snapshot Copies: create_time
                  Inconsistency in the File System: false
                      Is Volume Quiesced (On-Disk): false
                    Is Volume Quiesced (In-Memory): false
         Volume Contains Shared or Compressed Data: true
                 Space Saved by Storage Efficiency: 0B
            Percentage Saved by Storage Efficiency: 0%
Space Saved by Deduplication Along With VBN ZERO Savings: 0B
                 Percentage Saved by Deduplication: 0%
     Unique Data Which Got Shared by Deduplication: 0B
                        Space Saved by Compression: 0B
             Percentage Space Saved by Compression: 0%
               Volume Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 0B
                                        Block Type: 64-bit
                                  Is Volume Moving: false
                    Flash Pool Caching Eligibility: read-write
     Flash Pool Write Caching Ineligibility Reason: -
                           Constituent Volume Role: -
                             QoS Policy Group Name: -
                    QoS Adaptive Policy Group Name: -
                               Caching Policy Name: -
                   Is Volume Move in Cutover Phase: false
           Number of Snapshot Copies in the Volume: 0
   VBN_BAD may be present in the active filesystem: false
                   Is Volume on a hybrid aggregate: false
                          Total Physical Used Size: 4.00GB
                          Physical Used Percentage: 0%
                                    FlexGroup Name: fg_vol
                             Is Volume a FlexGroup: true
                                     SnapLock Type: non-snaplock
                             Vserver DR Protection: -
                      Enable or Disable Encryption: false
                               Is Volume Encrypted: false
                                  Encryption State: none
                                 Encryption Key ID:
                      Encryption Key Creation Time: -
                                       Application: -
                     Is Fenced for Protocol Access: false
                       Protocol Access Fence Owner: -
                                   Is SIDL enabled: off
                             Over Provisioned Size: 499.2TB
                   Available Snapshot Reserve Size: 0B
                                 Logical Used Size: 4.00GB
                           Logical Used Percentage: 0%
                            Logical Available Size: -
            Logical Size Used by Active Filesystem: 4.00GB
                Logical Size Used by All Snapshots: 0B
                           Logical Space Reporting: false
                         Logical Space Enforcement: false
                             Volume Tiering Policy: auto
               Performance Tier Inactive User Data: -
       Performance Tier Inactive User Data Percent: -
Tags to be Associated with Objects Stored on a FabricPool: -
Does the Object Tagging Scanner Need to Run on This Volume: false
                Is File System Analytics Supported: true
     Reason File System Analytics is not Supported: -
                       File System Analytics State: off
               File System Analytics Scan Progress: -
                           Activity Tracking State: off
                    Is Activity Tracking Supported: true
         Reason Activity Tracking Is Not Supported: -
                                    Is SMBC Master: false
                          Is SMBC Failover Capable: false
                                    SMBC Consensus: -
                             Anti-ransomware State: disabled
                                     Granular data: disabled
                      Enable Snapshot Copy Locking: false
                                       Expiry Time: -
                              ComplianceClock Time: -
          Are Large Size Volumes and Files Enabled: false

::> volume show -volume fg_vol* -is-constituent true
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
svm       fg_vol__0001 aggr1        online     RW      62.50TB    852.0GB    0%
svm       fg_vol__0002 aggr1        online     RW      62.50TB    852.0GB    0%
svm       fg_vol__0003 aggr1        online     RW      62.50TB    852.0GB    0%
svm       fg_vol__0004 aggr1        online     RW      62.50TB    852.0GB    0%
svm       fg_vol__0005 aggr1        online     RW      62.50TB    852.0GB    0%
svm       fg_vol__0006 aggr1        online     RW      62.50TB    852.0GB    0%
svm       fg_vol__0007 aggr1        online     RW      62.50TB    852.0GB    0%
svm       fg_vol__0008 aggr1        online     RW      62.50TB    852.0GB    0%
8 entries were displayed.



A FlexGroup volume is made up of constituents, which are FlexVol volumes. By default, FSx for ONTAP assigns eight constituents to a FlexGroup volume per HA pair.

Volume styles - FSx for ONTAP

なお、CreateOntapVolumeConfigurationにはコンスティチュエントボリューム数を指定するパラメーターはありませんでした。コンスティチュエントボリュームを指定したい場合はONTAP CLIから作成することになりそうです。




# マウントポイントの作成
$ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/fsxn/fg_vol

# FlexGroupのマウント
$ sudo mount -t nfs4 svm-04855fdf5ed7737a8.fs-0762660cbce3713bf.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/fg_vol /mnt/fsxn/fg_vol/

# マウントされたことを確認
$ df -hT -t nfs4
Filesystem                                                                     Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
svm-04855fdf5ed7737a8.fs-0762660cbce3713bf.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/fg_vol nfs4  475T  475T  853G 100% /mnt/fsxn/fg_vol


$ for i in {1..10}; do
   sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/fg_vol/file${i} bs=1M count=1024
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 6.33752 s, 169 MB/s
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 7.22991 s, 149 MB/s
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 7.2566 s, 148 MB/s
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 7.18079 s, 150 MB/s
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 7.21899 s, 149 MB/s
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 7.21765 s, 149 MB/s
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 7.25334 s, 148 MB/s
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 7.19365 s, 149 MB/s
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 7.23198 s, 148 MB/s
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 7.24761 s, 148 MB/s

# ファイルが作成されたことを確認
$ ls -l /mnt/fsxn/fg_vol
total 10527120
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:51 file1
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:52 file10
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:51 file2
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:51 file3
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:51 file4
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:51 file5
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:51 file6
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:52 file7
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:52 file8
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:52 file9

$ df -hT -t nfs4
Filesystem                                                                     Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
svm-04855fdf5ed7737a8.fs-0762660cbce3713bf.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/fg_vol nfs4  475T  475T  842G 100% /mnt/fsxn/fg_vol

ONTAP CLIからも確認します。

::> volume show -volume fg_vol* -is-constituent true -fields used
vserver volume       used
------- ------------ ------
svm     fg_vol__0001 1.51GB
svm     fg_vol__0002 2.53GB
svm     fg_vol__0003 1.51GB
svm     fg_vol__0004 1.51GB
svm     fg_vol__0005 1.51GB
svm     fg_vol__0006 1.51GB
svm     fg_vol__0007 1.51GB
svm     fg_vol__0008 2.53GB
8 entries were displayed.






ONTAP CLIからバックアップを取得したタイミングでSnapshotが作成されているか確認します。

::> snapshot show -volume fg_vol
Vserver  Volume   Snapshot                                  Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
svm      fg_vol
                  backup-03f97a5040dee27a3               10.14GB     0%   50%
                  hourly.2023-11-27_1805                 10.14GB     0%   50%
2 entries were displayed.

::> snapshot show -volume fg_vol -snapshot backup-03f97a5040dee27a3 -instance

                              Vserver: svm
                               Volume: fg_vol
                             Snapshot: backup-03f97a5040dee27a3
                        Creation Time: Mon Nov 27 17:57:47 2023
                        Snapshot Busy: false
                       List of Owners: -
                        Snapshot Size: 10.14GB
           Percentage of Total Blocks: 0%
            Percentage of Used Blocks: 50%
                              Comment: -
                      7-Mode Snapshot: false
      Label for SnapMirror Operations: -
                       Snapshot State: valid
                 Constituent Snapshot: false
                          Expiry Time: -
                 SnapLock Expiry Time: -



::> security audit log show -fields timestamp, node, application, location, vserver, username, input, state, message -state Error|Success -application http -timestamp >"Mon Nov 27 17:50:00 2023"
timestamp                  node                      application location     vserver                username input                                   state   message
-------------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ------------ ---------------------- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------- -------
"Mon Nov 27 17:53:39 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http FsxId0762660cbce3713bf admin    GET /api/private/cli/storage/failover?fields=node,possible,reason Success -
"Mon Nov 27 17:53:39 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http FsxId0762660cbce3713bf admin    GET /api/private/cli/storage/aggregate?fields=raidstatus%2Ccomposite%2Croot%2Cuuid
                                   Success -
"Mon Nov 27 17:57:35 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http
                                                                              FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane
                                                                                                              GET /api/private/cli/volume/?instance-uuid=acf78fa0-8d4b-11ee-84de-4b7ecb818153&fields=constituent_count
                                   Success -
"Mon Nov 27 17:57:36 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http  FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane
                                                                                                              POST /api/cluster/licensing/access_tokens/ : {"client_secret":***,"grant_type":"client_credentials","client_id":"clientId"}
                                   Success -
"Mon Nov 27 17:57:36 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http  FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane
                                                                                                              POST /api/snapmirror/relationships/?return_records=true : {"destination":{"path":"amazon-fsx-ontap-backup-us-east-1-b0bc6fd9-bdd6a1d0:/objstore/0c000000-01f6-b3ef-0000-0000006db8d5","uuid":"0c000000-01f6-b3ef-0000-0000006db8d5"},"policy":{"name":"FSxPolicy"},"source":{"path":"svm:fg_vol"}}
                                   Success -
"Mon Nov 27 17:57:36 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http  FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane
                                                                                                              POST /api/snapmirror/relationships : uuid=7275792b-8d4e-11ee-84de-4b7ecb818153 isv_name="AWS FSx"
                                   Success -
"Mon Nov 27 17:57:47 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http  FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane
                                                                                                              POST /api/storage/volumes/acf78fa0-8d4b-11ee-84de-4b7ecb818153/snapshots?return_records=true : {"name":"backup-03f97a5040dee27a3"}
                                   Success -
"Mon Nov 27 17:57:57 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http
                                                                              FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane
                                                                                                              POST /api/cluster/licensing/access_tokens/ : {"client_secret":***,"grant_type":"client_credentials","client_id":"clientId"}
                                   Success -
"Mon Nov 27 17:57:58 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http
                                                                              FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane
                                                                                                              POST /api/snapmirror/relationships/7275792b-8d4e-11ee-84de-4b7ecb818153/transfers : isv_name="AWS FSx"
                                   Success -
"Mon Nov 27 17:57:58 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http
                                                                              FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane
                                                                                                              POST /api/snapmirror/relationships/7275792b-8d4e-11ee-84de-4b7ecb818153/transfers?return_records=true : {"source_snapshot":"backup-03f97a5040dee27a3"}
                                   Success -

timestamp                  node                      application location     vserver                username input                                   state   message
-------------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ------------ ---------------------- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------- -------
"Mon Nov 27 17:58:11 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http
                                                                              FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane
                                                                                                              GET /api/private/cli/volume/?fields=uuid%2Cconstituent_count      Success -
"Mon Nov 27 17:58:13 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http
                                                                              FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane
                                                                                                              GET /api/private/cli/vserver/cifs/check/?fields=status%2Cstatus_details
                                   Success -
"Mon Nov 27 18:03:39 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http FsxId0762660cbce3713bf admin    GET /api/private/cli/storage/failover?fields=node,possible,reason Success -
"Mon Nov 27 18:03:39 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http FsxId0762660cbce3713bf admin    GET /api/private/cli/storage/aggregate?fields=raidstatus%2Ccomposite%2Croot%2Cuuid
                                   Success -
"Mon Nov 27 18:13:35 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http FsxId0762660cbce3713bf admin    GET /api/private/cli/storage/failover?fields=node,possible,reason Success -
"Mon Nov 27 18:13:36 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http FsxId0762660cbce3713bf admin    GET /api/private/cli/storage/aggregate?fields=raidstatus%2Ccomposite%2Croot%2Cuuid
                                   Success -
"Mon Nov 27 18:18:38 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http FsxId0762660cbce3713bf admin    GET /api/private/cli/storage/failover?fields=node,possible,reason Success -
"Mon Nov 27 18:18:38 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http FsxId0762660cbce3713bf admin    GET /api/private/cli/storage/aggregate?fields=raidstatus%2Ccomposite%2Croot%2Cuuid
                                   Success -
18 entries were displayed.









AWS CLIで試してみます。

$ aws fsx create-volume-from-backup \
  --backup-id backup-03f97a5040dee27a3 \
  --name restored_fg_vol \
  --ontap-configuration JunctionPath='/restored_fg_vol',SizeInMegabytes=524288000,StorageVirtualMachineId='svm-04855fdf5ed7737a8'
    "Volume": {
        "CreationTime": "2023-11-28T07:25:17.952000+00:00",
        "FileSystemId": "fs-0762660cbce3713bf",
        "Lifecycle": "CREATING",
        "Name": "restored_fg_vol",
        "OntapConfiguration": {
            "FlexCacheEndpointType": "NONE",
            "JunctionPath": "/restored_fg_vol",
            "SizeInMegabytes": 524288000,
            "StorageEfficiencyEnabled": true,
            "StorageVirtualMachineId": "svm-04855fdf5ed7737a8",
            "StorageVirtualMachineRoot": false,
            "TieringPolicy": {
                "CoolingPeriod": 2,
                "Name": "SNAPSHOT_ONLY"
            "OntapVolumeType": "DP",
            "SnapshotPolicy": "default",
            "CopyTagsToBackups": false
        "ResourceARN": "arn:aws:fsx:us-east-1:<AWSアカウントID>:volume/fs-0762660cbce3713bf/fsvol-0fa30afe7ed546c0c",
        "VolumeId": "fsvol-0fa30afe7ed546c0c",
        "VolumeType": "ONTAP"





$ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/fsxn//restored_fg_vol

$ sudo mount -t nfs4 svm-04855fdf5ed7737a8.fs-0762660cbce3713bf.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/restored_fg_vol /mnt/fsxn/restored_fg_vol

$ df -hT -t nfs4
Filesystem                                                                              Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
svm-04855fdf5ed7737a8.fs-0762660cbce3713bf.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/fg_vol          nfs4  475T  475T  842G 100% /mnt/fsxn/fg_vol
svm-04855fdf5ed7737a8.fs-0762660cbce3713bf.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/restored_fg_vol nfs4  500T  500T  831G 100% /mnt/fsxn/restored_fg_vol

$ ls -l /mnt/fsxn/restored_fg_vol/
total 10527120
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:51 file1
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:52 file10
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:51 file2
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:51 file3
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:51 file4
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:51 file5
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:51 file6
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:52 file7
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:52 file8
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1073741824 Nov 27 17:52 file9


ONTAP CLIからも確認します。

# ボリュームの確認
::> volume show -volume restored_fg_vol, fg_vol
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
svm       fg_vol       -            online     RW        500TB    841.7GB    0%
svm       restored_fg_vol
                       -            online     RW        500TB    830.2GB    0%
2 entries were displayed.

::> volume show -volume restored_fg_vol*, fg_vol* -is-constituent true -fields used
vserver volume       used
------- ------------ ------
svm     fg_vol__0001 1.51GB
svm     fg_vol__0002 2.53GB
svm     fg_vol__0003 1.51GB
svm     fg_vol__0004 1.51GB
svm     fg_vol__0005 1.51GB
svm     fg_vol__0006 1.51GB
svm     fg_vol__0007 1.51GB
svm     fg_vol__0008 2.53GB
svm     restored_fg_vol__0001
svm     restored_fg_vol__0002
svm     restored_fg_vol__0003
svm     restored_fg_vol__0004
svm     restored_fg_vol__0005
svm     restored_fg_vol__0006
svm     restored_fg_vol__0007
svm     restored_fg_vol__0008
16 entries were displayed.

# Snapshotの確認
::> snapshot show -volume restored_fg_vol, fg_vol
Vserver  Volume   Snapshot                                  Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
svm      fg_vol
                  backup-03f97a5040dee27a3               10.14GB     0%   50%
                  daily.2023-11-28_0010                  10.15GB     0%   50%
                  hourly.2023-11-28_0205                 10.15GB     0%   50%
                  hourly.2023-11-28_0305                 10.15GB     0%   50%
                  hourly.2023-11-28_0405                 10.15GB     0%   50%
                  hourly.2023-11-28_0505                 10.15GB     0%   50%
                  hourly.2023-11-28_0605                 10.15GB     0%   50%
                  hourly.2023-11-28_0705                 10.15GB     0%   50%
                  backup-03f97a5040dee27a3               10.15GB     0%   50%
9 entries were displayed.

# リストア時の管理アクティビティの監査ログの確認
::> security audit log show -fields timestamp, node, application, location, vserver, username, input, state, message -state Error|Success -application http -timestamp >"Tue Nov 28 7:25:00 2023"

Error: "Tue Nov 28 7:25:00 2023" is an invalid value for field "-timestamp <Date>"

FsxId0762660cbce3713bf::> security audit log show -fields timestamp, node, application, location, vserver, username, input, state, message -state Error|Success -application http -timestamp >"Tue Nov 28 07:25:00 2023"
timestamp                  node                      application location      vserver                username          input                                                                                         state   message
-------------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ------------- ---------------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- -------
"Tue Nov 28 07:28:24 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane POST /api/storage/volumes/?return_records=true : {"comment":"FSx.tmp.fsvol-0fa30afe7ed546c0c.18ad67fd-2434-4cc8-985a-2d4cedf2cfcd","language":"c.utf_8","name":"restored_fg_vol","size":549755813888000,"style":"flexgroup","tiering":{"policy":"SNAPSHOT_ONLY","min_cooling_days":2},"type":"dp","aggregates":[{"name":"aggr1","uuid":"44857d47-851f-11ee-84de-4b7ecb818153"}],"svm":{"name":"svm","uuid":"0d9b83f3-8520-11ee-84de-4b7ecb818153"},"constituents_per_aggregate":8} Success -
"Tue Nov 28 07:28:35 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http   FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane PATCH /api/storage/volumes/b7139774-8dbf-11ee-84de-4b7ecb818153 : {"comment":""}                                                                                         Success -
"Tue Nov 28 07:28:35 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http
                                                                               FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane POST /api/private/cli : {"input":"set -privilege diagnostic ; system node run -node FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 -command wafl obj_cache flush"}                                                                                         Success -
"Tue Nov 28 07:28:35 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http
                                                                               FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane POST /api/private/cli : {"input":"set -privilege diagnostic ; system node run -node FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-02 -command wafl obj_cache flush"}                                                                                         Success -
"Tue Nov 28 07:28:35 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http
                                                                               FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane POST /api/cluster/licensing/access_tokens/ : {"client_secret":***,"grant_type":"client_credentials","client_id":"clientId"}                                                                                         Success -
"Tue Nov 28 07:28:36 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http
                                                                               FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane POST /api/snapmirror/relationships/?return_records=true : {"destination":{"path":"svm:restored_fg_vol"},"restore":true,"source":{"path":"amazon-fsx-ontap-backup-us-east-1-b0bc6fd9-bdd6a1d0:/objstore/0c000000-01f6-b3ef-0000-0000006db8d5_rst","uuid":"0c000000-01f6-b3ef-0000-0000006db8d5"}}                                                                                         Success -
"Tue Nov 28 07:28:36 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http
                                                                               FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane POST /api/snapmirror/relationships : uuid=bdfa23f2-8dbf-11ee-84de-4b7ecb818153 isv_name="AWS FSx"                                                                                         Success -
"Tue Nov 28 07:28:36 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane POST /api/cluster/licensing/access_tokens/ : {"client_secret":***,"grant_type":"client_credentials","client_id":"clientId"}                                                                                         Success -
"Tue Nov 28 07:28:36 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane POST /api/snapmirror/relationships/bdfa23f2-8dbf-11ee-84de-4b7ecb818153/transfers : isv_name="AWS FSx"                                                                                         Success -

timestamp                  node                      application location      vserver                username          input                                                                                         state   message
-------------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ------------- ---------------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- -------
"Tue Nov 28 07:28:36 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane POST /api/snapmirror/relationships/bdfa23f2-8dbf-11ee-84de-4b7ecb818153/transfers?return_records=true : {"source_snapshot":"backup-03f97a5040dee27a3"}                                                                                         Success -
"Tue Nov 28 07:31:35 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http   FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane POST /api/private/cli : {"input":"set -privilege diagnostic ; volume efficiency inactive-data-compression stop -volume restored_fg_vol -vserver svm"}                                                                                         Error   Volume "restored_fg_vol" does not exist in Vserver "svm". Reason: entry doesn't exist.
"Tue Nov 28 07:31:36 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http   FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane PATCH /api/storage/volumes/b7139774-8dbf-11ee-84de-4b7ecb818153 : {"tiering":{"policy":"SNAPSHOT_ONLY","min_cooling_days":2},"nas":{"path":"/restored_fg_vol"},"snapshot_policy":{"name":"default"}}                                                                                         Success -
"Tue Nov 28 07:33:09 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http
                                                                               FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane GET /api/private/cli/volume/?fields=uuid%2Cconstituent_count                                                                                         Success -
"Tue Nov 28 07:33:09 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http
                                                                               FsxId0762660cbce3713bf fsx-control-plane GET /api/private/cli/vserver/cifs/check/?fields=status%2Cstatus_details                                                                                         Success -
"Tue Nov 28 07:33:39 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http  FsxId0762660cbce3713bf admin             GET /api/private/cli/storage/failover?fields=node,possible,reason                                                                                         Success -
"Tue Nov 28 07:33:39 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http  FsxId0762660cbce3713bf admin             GET /api/private/cli/storage/aggregate?fields=raidstatus%2Ccomposite%2Croot%2Cuuid                                                                                         Success -
"Tue Nov 28 07:43:39 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http  FsxId0762660cbce3713bf admin             GET /api/private/cli/storage/failover?fields=node,possible,reason                                                                                         Success -
"Tue Nov 28 07:43:39 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http  FsxId0762660cbce3713bf admin             GET /api/private/cli/storage/aggregate?fields=raidstatus%2Ccomposite%2Croot%2Cuuid                                                                                         Success -
"Tue Nov 28 07:53:38 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http  FsxId0762660cbce3713bf admin             GET /api/private/cli/storage/failover?fields=node,possible,reason                                                                                         Success -

timestamp                  node                      application location      vserver                username          input                                                                                         state   message
-------------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ------------- ---------------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- -------
"Tue Nov 28 07:53:38 2023" FsxId0762660cbce3713bf-01 http  FsxId0762660cbce3713bf admin             GET /api/private/cli/storage/aggregate?fields=raidstatus%2Ccomposite%2Croot%2Cuuid                                                                                         Success -
20 entries were displayed.

AWS CLIからリストア時に指定したバックアップと同じ名前のSnapshotを使ってリストアしていることが分かります。

個人的には内部でnode runコマンドを叩いていることにロマンを感じます。私も叩いて新たなる扉を開きたいです。


Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAPでFlexGroupのバックアップができるようになったアップデートを紹介しました。

FlexGroupが使いやすくなりましたね。徐々にONTAP CLIを使わなくとも操作できる範囲が広がってきて嬉しいです。


以上、AWS事業本部 コンサルティング部の のんピ(@non____97)でした!

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